Swift Relief for patients waiting for knee or hip surgery.

We arrange your surgery, drive you for the operation, and make your recovery as comfortable as possible.

GET STARTED! It takes just 2 minutes.
Facing a long wait for surgery?
  • COVID-19 stretches NHS waiting lists
  • Many face a painful 10-month wait
  • Waiting means further pain
  • Chronic pain leads to ill-health
  • Our patients avoid the wait!
Done in 30 days.
  • Treatment in the best EU hospitals in 30 days
  • Simple, convenient
  • Fixed price
  • NHS reimbursement option - ends this year!
Friendly, comfortable, reliable
  • English-speaking staff
  • Better value than UK private treatment
  • 14-day care and clinic accommodation
  • Take your partner or a companion
  • Friendly door-to-door chauffeur
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